Teamwork: Working together as a team you will get more accomplished and more production on the job. In school having a team project everybody work together because I might know something that I can help you with and your other team mates might know something that they can help you with. If you are going to be late it is best to let the other members of the team know ahead of time do not wait to the last minute that way we can make the necessary adjustment to get the project did in time. It is all pulling together not just a one man show, doing all the work and everybody sitting back waiting on your result, if this happen do not be afraid to voice you opinion let them know this is a team project not just a one man show.
Yes it is very important to work together as a team at work or at school. I agree that you can get more accomplished as a team than you can when you are alone. Sometimes it may feel better to work alone, but there is nothing like having the support of your teammates. Great Post!