Saturday, February 18, 2012

Productivity for Work or College

Productivity on my job consist of producing between 350 and 500 hundreds bale of cotton in twelve hour period. If the plant break down for 10 minutes or more that is consider down time.  We try to gin without any down time, but some days it is hard anything that run 24 hours a day, you are more than likely to have problems. We have a ginner, 2 to 3 ginners helper, floor person, 2 on the bag, sample person, and my position press operator. We all work together to make things happen, for as I can recall the most bales we ginned in a 12 hour period is 525 bales of cotton. Yes, I do believe in work rather than leisure. Working give the company the productivity it need to get the bales we need to sale and keep the company running. The more you produce the more business you can get. Being safe on the job, and less accident is a plus in productivity, working together to accomplish our goals.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the more down time a business has the less the productivity will be. It will also help for everyone to stay focused on the job and then maybe they will be able to prevent any down time.
